Vehicle breakdowns are not only frustrating, but they can be dangerous if you’re stranded during severe winter conditions. While your car insurance can cover damage sustained during an accident in inclement weather, it may take a long time for roadside assistance to arrive at your location. Having the following items in an emergency kit can help you handle the situation safely.
Snowfall and heavy cloud cover can significantly reduce your visibility. Having a flashlight on hand ensures you can see well enough to change a tire or check the battery, potentially saving you several hours waiting for roadside assistance. Cold weather can sap the energy from household batteries, so be sure to change them regularly throughout the winter.
Winter conditions can also drain your car’s battery. If it dies, you can end up stranded in a parking lot or stuck on the side of the road. A portable jump-starter can get your vehicle running again without waiting for help from someone else.
Even experienced winter drivers can slide into a snowdrift and be unable to get out. While you can wait for a tow truck, a simple bag of kitty litter could help you get out of trouble sooner. Spreading the product underneath your tires can provide enough traction for your vehicle to dislodge itself.
Sometimes, getting your vehicle moving yourself is simply impossible, so you might have to wait for a tow truck. Having blankets in the car can keep you and your passengers comfortable until help arrives.
Space blankets are efficient and extremely compact, but they don’t offer as much protection as ordinary wool blankets. For maximum warmth, you may want to invest in wool or wool-blend blankets.
A small snow shovel is an essential piece of equipment for every driver in snowy areas. This tool can help you dig your vehicle out of a snowbank. Keeping snow from building up around the car will also make it easier for rescue crews and roadside assistance to find you. Many manufacturers offer small folding shovels designed to fit into your trunk.
In addition to having the right emergency supplies in your vehicle, you need reliable coverage. For over 30 years, Action Auto Insurance Agency Inc. has provided affordable car insurance services to drivers throughout New London County, CT. Their agents work with a variety of carriers and specialize in helping drivers with less-than-perfect records get the coverage they need. Visit their website for more on their car insurance services, or call (860) 444-7224 to request a free quote.
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